J: A cold rainy day means big pot-o-soup. I found a recipe for Moroccan vegetable soup in the _Sundays at Moosewood_ cookbook. It's called Harira and I made it strictly by the book so I won't duplicate it here. I also made hummous (served with pita), potato and cauliflower salad with lemon tahini dressing, and Greek rice pilaf. Hummous Pressure cook dried garbazo beans for 45 minutes, without presoaking, in a bunch of water. Drain, but save the liquid. Also you'll need some of the beans and liquid for the soup. Use whatever is left for the hummous. Put a couple garlic cloves and about 2 cups beans in a food processor. Start processing and add 2 tablespoons tahini. Add a mixture of lemon juice and the bean liquid (about 1 to 1) to the processor until it's the consistency you like. Process for several minutes (maybe even ten) until it is smooth. Potato Salad Peel, chop, and steam potatoes until tender. Chop cauliflower and steam until tender (you can just add to the same pot as the potatoes, near the end.) Put potatoes and cauliflower in bowl with 5 chopped green onions and a handful of chopped parsley. Let cool. Dress with 3 to 1 mixture of lemon juice and tahini. Greek Rice Cook four cups of brown rice. Meanwhile saute 3 cloves chopped garlic, 6 chopped tomatoes, 10 oz chopped fresh spinach for 10 minutes. Mix with cooked rice. Add 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1 Tbsp dried dill, salt and pepper to taste. cover and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes (or until rice is hot, if you already let it cool down). Use less salt and instead sprinkle with feta if you have it.